
Student Posts

Power of Communication: Informational Interview

This paper documents an informational interview with Dr. Alicia Smith, who is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Emory University. In this interview, I discuss with her the influence of different forms of communication in a research setting. This meeting later resulted in 3-year research experience with one of her mentees Dr. Anna Knight.

Student Posts

Quality Improvement Internship Final Presentation

This slide deck is the final presentation I gave to the internship leadership team. It sums up my accomplishments and the work I completed while interning at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in the Center for Healthcare Quality and Analytics. Specifically, I highlight a few of my favorite projects, including Child Abuse Screening and Zero Suicide initiatives.

Student Posts

Letter to the Editor: Emory administration, you’re blind to student struggles. We need reform now.

This is a letter I wrote to the Emory administration and then published through the Emory student newspaper, The Wheel. Within a few weeks, this article received over 10,000 reads and sparked student conversation and advocacy for better mental health resources at Emory University. From this paper, I began my journey advocating for better mental health and well-being resources at the University level.

Link to view the original article on the sire:

Student Posts

Why I write: A rhetorical speaking project

My reflection explores the profound impact of mental health on my life, from witnessing my mother’s struggles to grappling with my own challenges. This journey has fueled my passion for mental health advocacy, leading me to advocate for improved resources at Emory University and fostering ongoing dialogue between students and campus leadership. I remain committed to advocating for mental health awareness and support, both at Emory and beyond.

Student Posts

Better than bad isn’t good – except when it comes to mental health

In my article, I share my journey of mental health improvement alongside the advancements in mental health resources at Emory University. Through personal anecdotes and insights into Emory’s initiatives, I advocate for a shift in mindset towards appreciating any positive change in mental health, both at an individual level and within academic institutions like Emory.

To read on original site:

Student Posts

Accounting for the Cost of Health-Related Social Needs

In this article, I highlight the Joint Commission’s new mandate for hospitals to screen health-related social needs, revealing the potential costs of addressing these needs in primary care settings. A study by Berkowitz et al. finds that federal funding covers less than half of the estimated $60 monthly cost per person. This article underscores the importance of both federal and community interventions to support individuals with unmet social needs.

Student Posts

Diagnosing America’s Potential Physician Shortage

In this investigative article, I research the potential physician shortage in the American healthcare system through scientific articles, news sources, and interviews with practicing physicians. In this, I find that physician burnout and a looming shortage of doctors in the US reveal systemic issues within healthcare. Addressing the potential physician shortage requires a multifaceted approach, considering factors such as the aging population, burnout, the maldistribution of doctors, and the need for more residency positions.

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